The event's key theme aims at reflecting trends and challenges in Customer Experience. It sets the main subjects discussed in the industry and throughout the conference programme.


The technological, ecological and social disruptions we are currently experiencing are both very enriching (we are moving towards the best) and very unsettling because they imply real structural changes - on a personal and professional level, of course, but also on a business level!

Up until very recently, customer relations were simple: a brand sent a message to the consumer with the aim of getting them to buy.

But nowadays,

  • The brand must be accountable, engaging, unique, useful...
  • With a message that is hyper-personalised, omni-channel, inclusive, clear...
  • For an audience that is stressed, demanding, ultra-connected and concerned about the environment...
  • In a context where AI is taking up space, a lot of space. And at lightning speed!


Welcome to the era of ecological transformation and Artificial Intelligence revolution.

As in the early days of the digital transition, the technology is new, the business is changing, the way users and customers work is completely different - in short, we're learning how to walk again! In 2024, we need to step up our skills, master the tools and uses of AI, and consider the impact of the ecological revolution on our organisations. One to One Expérience Client brings together the key players and the rising stars of the Customer Experience, those who know what they're doing and those who are doing it. Brands and retailers, if you're here, it's because you've already found your Time to Market. With One to One Biarritz, it's your Time to Skill! 

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