The programme encompasses a variety of sessions including conferences, round-tables, keyotes and workshops focused on current trends and future directions in e-commerce.
  • 12:00 - 13:00 : Opening conference

    Localisation: Bellevue Auditorium


    From the ecological transition to the Artificial Intelligence revolution, the playing field for brands is in upheaval: tools are new, professions are evolving, uses and the approach of users/customers are completely different - in short, we're learning to walk again!

    To open this 10th edition, two exceptional guests will share their perception of this Time to Skill, in two registers as different as they are essential: ethics and business.

    • Ethics in the age of AI: myths to deconstruct, realities to grasp. 30 minutes to clear the air and explore the true capabilities of AI: what it can do, what it will never do, and what remains the exclusive prerogative of human intelligence. Between technological discrimination and environmental impact, we'll paint a portrait of ethical and responsible AI, which meets the demands of brands in the service of their relationships with customers. with Aurélie Jean, Ph.D., Doctor of Science, entrepreneur and author, specialist in algorithms.
    • What is the business reality in this new paradigm? with Stéphanie Delestre, Entrepreneur and investor, “Who wants to be my partner?” Jury. - Season 4, Founder-CEO QAPA

    With :

    • Aurélie Jean, Dr in Science, specialist in algorithms
    • Stéphanie Delestre, Entrepreneur and investor, Founder and CEO of QAPA
    Hosted by Charlotte Bricard, Journalist
  • 14:30 - 15:15: Content: Enough talking, now time for action!

    Localisation : Nive, Bellevue

    A very practical session to help you better understand how to optimize your content (media, formats, audience) and how to really measure it.

    With :

    • Antoine Gaston Breton, Marketing and communication Director, Volkswagen France
    • Maeli Jauneaud, Marketing Director, Printemps Group

    Hosted by Charlotte Bricard, Journalist

  • 14:30 - 15:15: Marketing & CSR: from idea to completion

    Localisation : Room 3, Casino

    The role of CMO, its actual action plan and the time he gets to complete it!

    With :

    • Annabell Cravo, CSR/DD Manager, Pierre Fabre Group
    • Sidonie Tagliante, Marketing, Communication & CSR Director, Naturalia
    • Carole Latychko, Marketing & Innovation Director, Durieu Group

    Hosted by Majda Chaplain, CEO MC Factory

  • 17:30 - 18:00 : The QR Code: a stroke of genius that celebrates its 30th anniversary and continues to revolutionize UX!

    Localisation : Auditorium, Bellevue

    In 1994, Masahiro Hara, an engineer with the Japanese company Denso Wave, invented the 𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗱𝗲 to track the itinerary of spare parts in Toyota's factories.

    Masahiro Hara is to customer experience what Thomas Edison is to industry!

    • 60% of French people have flashed a QR code in the last 12 months
    • 34% of these flashers are regulars (at least once a week, up to several times a day)
    • 72% of scanners do so to save time, 61% for ease of access and
    • 49% for guaranteed access to the right site
    • 80% of scanners appreciate the use of QR codes by brands...

    (Résonance study, 2nd edition: De-Crypting the QR code, April 2023) 30 years later, with 7 billion smartphone users worldwide, his stroke of genius still has a very bright future ahead of it!

    It's been over 20 years since he came to France, he honors the 10th edition of One to One Biarritz with his presence for an exceptional conference during which he will look back on this incredible success story and look ahead to future uses for brands.

    With Masahiro Hara, Founder of QR Code

  • 9:30 - 10:00 : KEYNOTE AMAZON ADS

    Localisation : Auditorium, Bellevue

    With :

    • Adrien Masson, Head of Ad Tech Sales Southern Europe, Amazon Ads
  • 10:00 - 10:45 : One to One Conference: The Orange and Maisons du Monde data journey

    Localisation : Room 3, Casino

    Third-party cookies or not cookies is no longer the question. So what are the questions facing the people who manage the data policies of these two leading brands today, what options have paid off in the past, and what roadmap do they have for the future? Through these 3 key points, this discussion will enable us to lift the veil on the main levers identified from a strategic and operational point of view by these two key players to make data a powerful growth driver.

    With :

    • Stéphane Eymard, Group Digital Director, Orange
    • Stéphanie Guedon, Acquisition and Media Director, Maisons du Monde

    Hosted by Charlotte Bricard, journalist

  • 10:00 - 10:45 : One to One Conference - How to humanise the customer relation in an all AI era?


    Localisation : Room Nive, Bellevue

    Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, all the time. That's a fact. Being authentics, ethics and personalisation have never been so important for customers. That's another fact! And in the middle of this are the brands, who must offer incredible experiences to their customer in all aspects. To stand out in an overcrowded market and answer customer exectations, they have no choice but to bring the human back in their relationship. AI cannot just be the cold and efficient tool we think it is: merged this a bit of emotion, it could reinvent the customer relation and even rehumanise it!


    • Olivier Reinsbach, Communications Director, SNCF Voyageurs
    • Céline Boudière, Chief Marketing & Digital Officer, Meetic
    Hosted by Frédéric Cavazza, Consultant
  • 10:00 - 10:45: CPA Workshop: What cookieless strategy should you adopt after Google's announcement?

    Localisation : Room 3, Casino

    In July, Google surprised everyone by announcing that it would be keeping the third-party cookie. What is the impact of this announcement for advertisers? Is the Privacy Sandbox the alternative of the future as presented by Google? Should we continue to test alternatives, or continue to rely on the third-party cookie?

    The CPA helps you to see more clearly, with a complete decryption and the presentation of several case studies on cookieless.

    However, the third-party cookie is already a zombie. What strategy should you adopt for your 2025 plan? CPA explains it all.

    With :

    • Alban Peltier, Co-president of CPA
  • 11:00 - 12:00 : Closing Conference

    Localisation : Auditorium, Bellevue

    CMO: 2014, 1024, 1034?

    Status of and ever evolving job and what it could become in 10 years time!


    1st part :

    • Thomas Husson, Vice President & Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

    2nd part :

    • Sophie AK Gazeau, Marketing and Digital Director, Tootbus Global
    • Rodolphe Pachot, Marketing Director, Generali
    Hosted by Thomas Husson, Vice President & Principal Analyst, Forrester Research
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